TAD Tube Amp Doctor 7025S Preamp Tube, Premium Selected

Availability: Backordered, but no ETA


$ 36.50 

Get your TAD Tube Amp Doctor 7025S Preamp Tube, Premium Selected tubes at Humbucker Music!  As one of the largest dealers of high-end amplifiers in the world, we know and understand tubes (and the amps they go in). TAD tubes are carefully selected and undergo very strict quality control before being offered for sale. If they don't past this rigorous testing, they are not chosen to be TAD tubes. We highly endorse TAD replacement tubes for any high-end or boutique amplifier!


TAD 7025 S Mullard Style - Simply Outstanding!

The new TAD 7025-S is a faithful reproduction of the legendary original Mullard ECC83 valve which was made in England until the late 1960s. This tube is regarded as the holy grail among the double-triode preamp valves. The extra thick mica spacers support the rugged mechanical construction and the careful TAD quality control proceedure ensures performance stability and low microphonics. The TAD 7025S delivers a rich, harmonically complex tone and mid-range warmth that is just outstanding compared to any other currently manufactured tube today. Great warm and clean tones and creamy overdrive.

We recommend this tube for classic British style amps (rather than for modern high-gain amps) as well as for vintage-style open-back combos to achieve a stunning complex tone with silky smooth but rich tone.

The TAD 7025 S can replace any ECC83, E83CC, 12AX7, 12AX7A, 12AX7M, 12AX7WA/WB/WC/LPS/EH, 5751 or 7025.

Upgrades 12AX7A and ECC83 tubes. Replaces E83CC tubes.

tech-tip: especially recommended in second positions or tone stacks in vintage British amps.

Q: When does a preamp tube become a Premium Selected tube?

A: All preamp tubes labeled Premium Selected have passed the following tests:
-    Low Noise Test
-    Microphonic Test
-    Gain Test
-    Sonic Tests
-    Shock Tests
-    Listening Tests
-    Balanced Output Test

TAD Premium Selected/Highgrade tubes are guaranteed for a period of 6 months (according to terms of warranties) for the quality criteria mentioned above.