Swart Night Light Attenuator
The Swart Night Light attenuator is very portable and built like a rock. It's the size of a small effects pedal: 4.67" L x 3.68" W x 1.18" H. This thing can practically fit in your pocket.
The Night Light was designed specifically for the ST-6V6se, STR, AST, and AST Pro. But even though optimized for the Swart brigade, the Night Light will work with ANY amplifier 22w or less with the light compression, 30w with it off.
Attenuation settings
Filament BULB Compression Mode
This mode runs the attenuated signal through a Swart jewel lamp filament, bringing a subtle tube compression/brown sound goodness. Ever wonder what your signal sounded like through a light bulb? You'll be addicted in seconds. NOTE: This switch ONLY works with LEVEL chickenhead at 12oclock
Bypass compression mode
Removes the light compressor out of the circuit for more natural dynamics. With level at 12oclock, this is least attenuation/highest volume setting.
Heavy duty 3 position Switch
This main chicken head switch allows you to switch between FOUR different attenuation settings. At first setting, or 12oclock, the NL can cycle between the COMP and DECOMP switch which brings two levels. DECOMP is least attenuated or loudest setting with COMP position bringing more attenuation via the bulb filament. Turn the switch to 2oclock will bring more attenuation, bypassing the DECOMP/COMP switch. The lowest setting is about the same loudness as your guitar strings.
Special Features
Guitar Amp, guitar line level out
(works in attenuation mode or bypassed)
Allows you to send the complete amp signal to another guitar amp. Now you an sound like Jimi in BOLD AS LOVE! Well, maybe. You COULD. Seriously, have you heard two Swarts together? You should. .
You can send the AST effects, reverb and Tremolo to a standard non effects amp. This allows you to run the AST in stereo with another amp sharing the effects between the two amps.
With the Night Light it is now possible to get the AST sound into your 200 watt live guitar amp. Just plug the Night Light into the AST; set it to the sound you like and run a line from the Night Light to your 200 watt stack for ear shattering levels.
It is now easy to run a Space tone into a AST or a AST into a Space Tone.
It's a virtual blue night light show of psychedelic craziness. And it looks cool. Keep your 3 yr old entertained till the wee hours.
The Night Light was designed specifically for the ST-6V6se, STR, AST, and AST Pro. But even though optimized for the Swart brigade, the Night Light will work with ANY amplifier 22w or less with the light compression, 30w with it off.
Attenuation settings
Filament BULB Compression Mode
This mode runs the attenuated signal through a Swart jewel lamp filament, bringing a subtle tube compression/brown sound goodness. Ever wonder what your signal sounded like through a light bulb? You'll be addicted in seconds. NOTE: This switch ONLY works with LEVEL chickenhead at 12oclock
Bypass compression mode
Removes the light compressor out of the circuit for more natural dynamics. With level at 12oclock, this is least attenuation/highest volume setting.
Heavy duty 3 position Switch
This main chicken head switch allows you to switch between FOUR different attenuation settings. At first setting, or 12oclock, the NL can cycle between the COMP and DECOMP switch which brings two levels. DECOMP is least attenuated or loudest setting with COMP position bringing more attenuation via the bulb filament. Turn the switch to 2oclock will bring more attenuation, bypassing the DECOMP/COMP switch. The lowest setting is about the same loudness as your guitar strings.
Special Features
Guitar Amp, guitar line level out
(works in attenuation mode or bypassed)
Allows you to send the complete amp signal to another guitar amp. Now you an sound like Jimi in BOLD AS LOVE! Well, maybe. You COULD. Seriously, have you heard two Swarts together? You should. .
You can send the AST effects, reverb and Tremolo to a standard non effects amp. This allows you to run the AST in stereo with another amp sharing the effects between the two amps.
With the Night Light it is now possible to get the AST sound into your 200 watt live guitar amp. Just plug the Night Light into the AST; set it to the sound you like and run a line from the Night Light to your 200 watt stack for ear shattering levels.
It is now easy to run a Space tone into a AST or a AST into a Space Tone.
It's a virtual blue night light show of psychedelic craziness. And it looks cool. Keep your 3 yr old entertained till the wee hours.