Suhr Badger 30 Head, 1x12 Cab, Latest Version

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Humbucker Music

$ 2,734.00
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The Suhr Badger 30 Head has been updated for 2017!

Suhr has made some changed to the Badger line for 2017 that includes the following:

  • A new preamp section featuring a footswitchable high-voltage cascaded MOSFET Boost - This offers a broader range of cleaner and overdriven tones with increased dynamic range, transparency and response.
  • Updated Power Scaling that improves upon previous version giving it a more natural tone and feel at lower volumes.
  • Speaker Output Impedance Selector 4Ω, 8Ω & 16Ω (Now standard on all models)
  • Standby Switch (Now standard on all models)
  • 100% All Tube Series Effects Loop
  • Updated look with Solid Aluminium Bead Blasted Script Suhr Logo, Silver piping, New Textured Graphite tolex , and Black Anodized Aluminum Control Panel.

As before, the lineup includes the 18, 30, and 35. While each share similar preamp stages, the individual power sections create three distinctly different amplifiers.

The Suhr Badger 30 Head is more than simply a more powerful version of the extremely popular Badger 18. Featuring EL34 power tubes, a larger output transformer and a tweaked preamp voicing to better match the tubes and the tranny, the Badger 30 not only has more power and headroom than the Badger 18, it has more aggressive and pronounced midrange that is punchier with a tighter and more focused lows. It's a bit more reminiscent of 50 watt EL34 Marshall amps. Although called the Badger 30, this handsome little beast puts out 25 watts and has enough power to cut through a dense stage mix and handle medium-sized clubs and similar size venues such as a church.

The Suhr Badger amps can operate in 3 distinct modes for a variety of musical situations.

Mode One: The first is the non-master-volume mode. When the Drive and Power knobs on the far left of the front panel are turned all the way up, they are out of the circuit. This means the Gain control on the far right becomes the volume control. The EQ section of Treble, Middle, and Bass act as normal.

This is the ultimate in simplicity like the great non-master vintage amps and ideal for playing in small clubs and venues where you can really get the power section involved in the tone you're getting.

Mode Two: The second mode of the Badger kicks in once you bring the Drive control into the circuit. The Drive controls the amount of signal being sent into the power section, which in turn controls the volume level. The Gain knob now acts as a preamp gain control. This mode is the familiar "master volume" setting on virtually all modern guitar amps being produced out there today.

Mode Three: The third mode engages the unique and extremely effective Power Scaling feature. In this mode, the Drive control becomes like a secondary gain control and the Power knob controls the overall volume. With careful balancing of the settings of the Drive and Power control knobs, you can get power tube overdrive from moderate to bedroom volume levels with a full transparent tone without the squashed compression artifacts of most attenuators and load boxes. With the Badger, you now have total control over your tone and volume from the clubs to churches to garage rehearsals to home recording to late-night practicing in your bedroom.

The Power Scaling feature lowers the wattage to the power amp, allowing the power tubes to clip. The tubes run cooler and aren't running as hard compared to using the speaker load while still retaining the interaction of the tubes and speaker(s). This technology allows the output power of an audio amplifier to be dialed down from 100% to less than 1%. This requires a modification to the amplifier's power supply.

Unlike external attenuators or load boxes, which interfere with the amp-speaker interface, Power Scaling does not alter that relationship between the output tubes and the speakers. Tube life will be greatly enhanced by the Power Scale circuit as well. What you get is improved transparency, less squash, more natural and pleasing compression, and the sound of the power tubes working hard. Add the tube-buffered effects loop with a fixed level send for use with both instrument-level pedals and line-level rack effects and you've got one very versatile tone machine ready for a variety of environments and musical situations.

Suhr Badger 30 Specifications:

Power Output:  25 Watts
Output Tubes:  2 x EL34
Preamp Tubes:  3 x 12AX7
Rectifier:  Solid State
Controls:  Power, Drive, Bass, Middle, Treble, Gain
FX Loop:  Tube Buffered
Outputs:  Dual 4 Ohm, Dual 8 Ohm
Dimensions:  20.5" wide x 9.25" high x 8.25" deep
Weight:  30 lbs
Accessories:  Cover included!