Victoria Amplifier 80212 2x12 Combo, Half Power Switch
This Just in! The beloved Victoria 80212 Amp is now offered here at Humbucker Music with a nifty half power switch! It's essentially Victoria Amps version of a late 50's 80 Watt Fender Twin.
Ladies and gentlemen... This is one serious amplifier, not at all for the faint of heart! The 80212 is an amp for those who wish their presence on stage to be not only heard, but also felt. When played here at the shop, visions of a 100 watt head through a 4x12 cab came to mind! You want loud and clean? Here it is.
In Mary Baier's own words, "Victoria 80212 will lay down a broad tractor beam of unyielding lows, fat, grab-ass mids, and a screaming high end that will linger in your ears for days."
We couldn't agree more. The 80212 simply put, is a BEAST!
All hand-wired, all USA built!
Output: 80 watts of SCREAMING POWER, switchable down to 40 watts
Upgrades: Half Power Switch
Circuit Design: 5F8A
Class A/B Adjustable Fixed Bias, Push/Pull Operation
Tube Configuration: 1 x 5AR4, 4 x 6L6GC, 2 x 12AX7, 1 x 12AY7
Speakers: Two American Made 12" Eminence
Dimensions: 19.25" x 26.75" x 10.5"
The Victoria 80212 is available for sale here at Humbucker Music!
Ladies and gentlemen... This is one serious amplifier, not at all for the faint of heart! The 80212 is an amp for those who wish their presence on stage to be not only heard, but also felt. When played here at the shop, visions of a 100 watt head through a 4x12 cab came to mind! You want loud and clean? Here it is.
In Mary Baier's own words, "Victoria 80212 will lay down a broad tractor beam of unyielding lows, fat, grab-ass mids, and a screaming high end that will linger in your ears for days."
We couldn't agree more. The 80212 simply put, is a BEAST!
All hand-wired, all USA built!
Output: 80 watts of SCREAMING POWER, switchable down to 40 watts
Upgrades: Half Power Switch
Circuit Design: 5F8A
Class A/B Adjustable Fixed Bias, Push/Pull Operation
Tube Configuration: 1 x 5AR4, 4 x 6L6GC, 2 x 12AX7, 1 x 12AY7
Speakers: Two American Made 12" Eminence
Dimensions: 19.25" x 26.75" x 10.5"
The Victoria 80212 is available for sale here at Humbucker Music!