Mesa Boogie Fillmore 25 Head, 1x12 Fillmore Cab, Custom Wicker Grille
Get your Mesa Boogie Fillmore 25 head from Humbucker Music, one of the largest custom Mesa dealers in the world with many Boogie amps for sale and in stock at all times!
Every Mesa Boogie Fillmore ships with a free amp cover. No additional purchase necessary.
The new Fillmore 25 is a 25 watt, 6V6 version of the extremely popular Fillmore 50, the vintage tone inspired amp from Mesa!
Mesa Boogie started out with modified blackface tones that evolved over the years to the massively successful Mark Series line of amplifiers. The Fillmore goes back to the early days and takes us down a different path. With everything from soft clipping to very saturated, it's Mesa's most expressive gain ever presented in a simple two (identical) Channel amplifier.
Being extremely responsive to your pick attack, the Fillmore allows you to dial in the area where the right hand (or left for your southpaws) controls the breakup. Play clean with a softer touch, and dig in a bit for saturation.
Humbly named in tribute to the renown bi-coastal venues that showcased the biggest names in Classic Rock and Blues over decades, this new instrument has been dubbed super-responsive, nuanced, organic… and "vintage-inspired Magic" by those who’ve experienced it. Subtle saturation that serves, not smothers, your style.
* Made in Petaluma, California with the World’s Finest Materials
* 2 x 6V6 Power Tubes
* 5 x 12AX7 Preamp Tubes
* 2 Fully Independent, Footswitchable Channels, each with 3 Mode Channel Cloning
* Channel 1 & 2 Feature: Channel Cloned Clean, Drive & HI Modes, with Independent Gain, Treble, Mid, Bass, Presence, Reverb & Master Controls
* Vintage All-Tube, Long-Tank, Spring Reverb with Independent Channel Controls
* Wattage 25 Watts (18 Clean)
* Channels & Modes 2 Channels / 3 Mode Channel Cloning
* Mode Voicings / Styles Ch. 1 = Clean, Drive or HI (Channel Cloning)
* Ch. 2 = Clean, Drive or HI (Channel Cloning)
* Graphic EQ / Reverb / FX / Solo Reverb & FX Loop
* Footswitchable Functions Ch. 1/2
* Free Covers included
Dimensions: 8.62" Tall x 18.81" Wide x 9.5" Deep
Weight: 18 lbs
The MESA Boogie 1x12 Fillmore 23 Cab is made using the finest Void-free, Marine Grade Baltic Birch in varying thicknesses of no less than 9 ply and as many as 14 ply. Super strong rabbet corners are glued and nailed and all backs are gasket sealed to ensure an air-tight seal. Baffles are fitted with superior dado joint construction and braced. Grilles are wrapped around a separate grilleboard, not the baffle board. Grille material is made of strong twisted jute dipped in a special coating that filters top end for a sweeter response. You simply won't find a better cabinet.
Speaker: Mesa Boogie Black Shadow C90 - 90 watts , 8 ohms
Finish & Construction:
- Marine Grade Baltic Birch Cabinet
- Black Taurus Vinyl Covering
- Tan Twisted Jute Grille
- Openback design
- Slip Cover included
Dimensions: 15 3/16" H x 22 3/4" W x 10 1/8" D
Weight: 33 lbs