Mesa Boogie Rectoverb 25 Head, 1x12 Widebody Cab, Custom Wine Taurus

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Mesa Boogie

$ 2,788.00 


Get your Mesa Boogie Rectoverb 25 at Humbucker Music, one of the largest Mesa dealers in the world. We carry hundreds of in stock custom color Mesa Boogie amps for sale all times and are ready to ship immediately.

The Mesa Boogie Rectoverb 25 has all the impressive qualities of the ever popular Mini-Rec and adds a super-lush all-tube driven Reverb that thickens the tone and sweetens the attack.

Like its original two channel forefathers, this Recto keeps things simple and easy to navigate. This version features dual footswitchable Channels that each contain two Modes. While it looks basic and drives easy, the Recto-Verb 25 is extremely versatile and covers a lot of ground just within these two rows of controls!

Construction:  All USA Made
Preamp Tubes:  6 x 12AX7
Power Tubes: 2 x EL84  (fixed bias, no need to ever bias when replacing)
Power: 25 Watts (switchable to 10 watts)
2 Independent Channels, with 4 Style Modes, Channel 1: Clean or Pushed, Channel 2: Vintage or Modern
Reverb:  All tube driven, long spring
FX Loop:  All tube, fully buffered
Included Accessories: Footswitch and Free Amp Cover!
Head Dimensions: 7.5" H x 17.5" W x 9" D - Weight 19 lbs

The MESA Boogie 1x12 Compact Widebody Cab is made using the finest Void-free, Marine Grade Baltic Birch in varying thicknesses of no less than 9 ply and as many as 14 ply. Super strong rabbet corners are glued and nailed and all backs are gasket sealed to ensure an air-tight seal. Baffles are fitted with superior dado joint construction and braced. Grilles are wrapped around a separate grilleboard, not the baffle board. Grille material is made of strong twisted jute dipped in a special coating that filters top end for a sweeter response. You simply won't find a better cabinet.
Speaker:  Mesa Boogie Black Shadow C90 - 90 watts , 8 ohms

Finish & Construction:
  • Marine Grade Baltic Birch Cabinet
  • Tan Twisted Jute Grille
  • Openback design
  • Slip Cover
Cab Dimensions:  16 1/2" H x 22 1/2" W x 11 1/4" D
Weight:  33 lbs