Dr. Z Z-Wreck Jr Head & 1x12 Cab

Availability: Backordered

Dr. Z

$ 3,098.00 


The Dr. Z Z-Wreck Jr Head is shipping now. The long awaited lower wattage Z-Wreck is now here!

Looks like the word is out that Dr. Z has a new amp on the way. The little brother to the venerable Z-Wreck, the Z-Wreck Jr sports a stout 15 watt power section as opposed to the 30 watt output of the Z-Wreck. In addition, the Z-Wreck Jr also features a highly effective post-phase inverter Master Volume to easier tame stage volume.

Just like the venerable Z-Wreck, the Z Wreck Jr. is constructed using all the quality of components and workmanship found in all Dr. Z amps, using the exact same turret board construction and aircraft grade aluminum chassis of the original. The same Tung Sol preamp tubes and NOS Russian military grade 6n14n power tubes, as prescribed by Ken Fischer and true to the Trainwreck DNA. A 5Y3 rectifier tube controls the touch sensitivity and blooming response of the amp by reproducing the plate voltages found at the "comfort" setting in the original Z Wreck, making for a truly addicting playing experience.

Power Output: 15 Watts
Output Tubes: 2 x 6n14n (NOS Russian EL84 type)
Preamp Tubes: 3 x 12AX7
Rectifier Tube: 5Y3
Controls: Volume, Bass, Treble, Cut, New Master Volume
Outputs: 4,8, & 16 ohm
Dimensions: 20 5/8" Wide x 9 1/2" Deep x 9 1/8" High
Weight: 32 lbs

The Dr. Z 1x12 Convertible Cab is a bit different from the rest.  It was designed with removable rear panels so you can go from a closed back to various openback designs easily. 

This speaker cabinet fits perfectly with the Dr. Z 1x12 or 2x10 combos and is a perfect match for any of his heads.

Dimensions:  19.5" High, 22.75" Wide, 10.25" Deep
Weight:         38 lbs
Ohms Rating: 8 Ohms

1x12 Speaker Options:
Celestion Greenback (preferred)
Celestion Vintage 30
Celestion G12H-30  (additional $20)
Celestion AlNiCo Blue (additional $239)
Celestion AlNiCo Gold (additional $279)