Carr Raleigh 1x10 Combo Amp, Cowboy

Availability: Backordered


$ 1,940.00 

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The Carr Raleigh 1 x 10 Combo amplifier is a versatile practice/studio amp designed to deliver both pristine clean and heavily overdriven tones at usable volumes. It's tones range from glassy 60s blackface tones to juicy, sustained overdrive.

It's important to note that manty amps of this size sound "boxy".  Not the case at all with the Raleigh!

Aesthetically, the Raleigh pays homage to the cool stylings of practice amps from the 50s and early 60s.  Beautiful!


Power Output 3 Watts
Output Tubes 1 x EL84
Preamp Tubes 2 x 12AX7
Controls Volume, Tone, Master
Switches Clean / Overdrive
1x10 Dims & Weight 16" Wide  x  11 7/8" High  x  8 1/4" Depth  -  21 lbs
1x10 Speaker Config
Eminence Lil' Buddy Hemp Cone - 8 Ohm

Carr Raleigh Owners Manual - 732 kb PDF Format